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Manual Reference # Description Part #
A Luff LFF1
B Furling Drum Assembly 2017
C Luff Support Pin (3/16″ x 2 1/32″) 2009
D Anchor Pin 1998
Shackle 2007
E Main Bearing, HDPE plastic (standard) or 1033
Ball Bearing, torlon balls (optional) BB2
F Cup, stainless steel 1872
G Antirotation Strap 1081
H Ferrule (the little metal tube swaged on halyard)
J Halyard Top Fitting 1995
K Halyard Assembly, ¼” x 25’ 2008
L Tack Tension Line, 1/8” x 4’ 11921
M Thrust Washer 1253

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CDI Furler installed on the bow of a boat. Sail is furled with UV protection coiled to protect the sail from the sun.